Brackets Posted Here
Tournament Time: 8:00 AM – End of Bracket
Brackets will be finalized and posted here at 6:00 pm on Thursday, July 31st. Divisions will start dependent upon team entries by age group. 5th-8th grade divisions will play first, followed by HS, then Open and 35+ divisions. Please be at the tournament 30 minutes before your first game time to check in and receive your tournament t-shirt and basketball.
Your divisional bracket will always be posted at the score’s table during the entirety of your play so you know when your next game is. All brackets will be a double elimination tournament style setup. If there are not enough teams for a specific age group, there may be a round robin style format. Click on your division grade level bracket below.
5th - 6th Grade Boys

7th - 8th Grade Boys

9th - 10th Grade Boys

11th - 12 Grade Boys

Open Men's Division

Men's 35 + Division

5th - 6th Grade Girls

7th - 8th Grade Girls

9th - 10th Grade Girls

10th - 11th Grade Girls

Open Women's Division

Women's 35 + Division